Al Wefaq National Islamic Society

Al Wefaq
Leader Ali Salman
Slogan ديرتنا.. نحميها
Founded 7 November 2001
Headquarters Bilad Al Qadeem, Bahrain
Ideology Shi'a Islamism
Religion Shi'a Islam
Official colors Blue, Red
Council of Representatives
18 / 40
Shura Council
0 / 40
Politics of Bahrain
Political parties

Al Wefaq National Islamic Society (Arabic: جمعية الوفاق الوطني الإسلامية‎; transliterated: Jam'īyat al-Wifāq al-Watanī al-Islāmīyah), also known as the Islamic National Accord Association, is a Bahraini political society, and the largest party in the Bahrain, both in terms of its membership and its results at the polls.[1] Although it is by far the single largest party, with 18 representatives, in the 40-member Bahraini parliament, it has often been outvoted by coalition blocs of opposition Sunni parties and independent MPs.[1] On February 27, 2011, the 18 Al Wefaq members of parliament submitted letters of resignation to protest regime violence against pro-reform Bahraini protestors.[2]

Al Wefaq's religious orientation is Shia and it is led by a cleric, Sheikh Ali Salman. The party is close to a Shia clerical body in Bahrain, the Islamic Scholars Council, which describes Al Wefaq as the 'Bloc of Believers'.[3] In 2006, the Bahraini newspaper Gulf Daily News alleged that al Wefaq had only 1,500 active members[4], although Wefaq itself claims to have 80,000 members[4] and a leaked diplomatic briefing from the US Embassy in Bahrain described Wefaq as the largest party in Bahrain in terms of membership.[1]

Al Wefaq boycotted the 2002 general election, the first parliamentary elections held in the country since 1973, claiming that the 2002 constitution gave too much power to the unelected upper house, the Consultative Council of Bahrain, whose members are directly appointed by the King. In the 2006 election Wefaq received the backing of the Islamic Scholars Council which helped it win seventeen of the eighteen seats it contested. In the 2010 election, they increased their representation by one seat, winning all the constituencies they contested, to take 18 of the 40 available parliamentary seats.[5]



Many of Al Wefaq's leaders returned to Bahrain under the reform process initiated by King Hamad when he inherited the throne and pardoned all the political activists of the 1990s political unrest. Its leadership backed King Hamad's National Charter for political reforms after the King assured the country's leading opposition clerics, through a signed statement, that only the elected chamber of parliament would have legislative power, as stipulated by the 1973 Constitution.

However the Al Wefaq leadership withdrew support when the ruling regime later announced the 2002 Constitution which mandated a chamber, appointed directly by the King, that would share legislative power with the elected chamber. Al Wefaq boycotted the 2002 parliamentary election, with three other political societies: the former Maoist National Democratic Action Society, the pro-Saddam Hussein Baath affiliated Nationalist Democratic Rally Society and Islamic Action Society. However Al-Wefaq did put forward candidates for the municipal elections that same year.


Some notable actions by Al Wefaq's leaders include pushing for more strict clothing guidelines at the University of Bahrain and other issues that it considers are against the teachings of Islam. Al Wefaq officials have called for a ban on the hanging of underwear on clothes lines and the display of lingerie mannequins. Al Wefaq councillors in Muharraq are also backing changes to the building regulations pushed by salafist party Asalah that would see new apartments fitted with one way windows to prevent outsiders seeing in. Other prominent Al Wefaq leaders include the head of Manama City Council, Murtada Bader, and Muharraq Councillor, Majeed Karimi, who came to prominence leading the party's campaign against lingerie mannequins in shop windows.

The party's Manama Council head, Murthader Bader, has called for the housing of South Asian nationals to be separated from that of Bahraini families. This would best address tensions between locals and third world expatriates that saw race riots against immigrants in March 2004. In 2007, Deputy Abdullah Al A'ali, a party representative in Bahrain's lower house, reiterated the call to move South Asian nationals away from Bahraini neighborhoods.[6] The effort has been criticised by Bahraini human rights groups.[7]

As with any religious party in the world, Al Wefaq has had to address the relationship between spiritual and secular authority. On the contentious issue of reform of Bahrain’s family laws, Al Wefaq stated in October 2005 that neither elected MPs nor the government has the authority to change the law because these institutions could 'misinterpret the word of God'. Instead, Al Wefaq insisted that the right to legislate on issues relating to women and families is solely that of religious leaders[8].

There have been some differences among western analysts as to the role played by ideology in Al Wefaq’s agenda: according to Dr Toby Jones of Swarthmore College, “Al Wefaq does not espouse a specific ideological vision”; while Steven Cook of the Council on Foreign Relations has described Al Wefaq’s policies towards women as “outrageous” and has taken a critical view of its backing of plans to prevent residents being able to see out of their homes [4].

In a show of strength against a demonstration by women's rights activists, on 9 November 2005 Al Wefaq jointly organised with clerics a much larger counter demonstration against the Supreme Council for Women's (secular women organization) campaign for the introduction of a personal status law [5] .

MPs from the society (and the main opposition group) walked out of the Bahrain parliament on 8 May 2007 in protest after their request for a corruption investigation of State Minister of Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Ahmad bin Ateyatallah al-Khalifa, a member of the royal family, was denied. The forty- member lower chamber dismissed the motion as only nineteen lawmakers voted in favor of the investigation, two votes short of the majority needed [6].

2006 elections

Al Wefaq announced that it would reverse its elections boycott and participate in the 2006 parliamentary election. The party hoped to win 12–14 seats [7] in the poll to take place in November 2006. The party has denied that it will not field any women candidates, dismissing the allegations as "pure speculation".[9] Along with Salafists, such as Ali Mattar, the party objects to the government's ban on candidates using religious sermons to promote their election campaigns. Al Wefaq parliamentary hopeful Jassem Al Khayat has commented: "The ban is senseless because the mosque, as an integral part of people's daily lives, has always been close to the political scene."[8]

Salafist MP Jassim Al Saeedi campaigned to get the party banned from standing in the poll on the grounds that the party did not recognize the 2002 Constitution. When his demands were rejected by the government, Mr Saeedi accused the Minister of Justice, Dr Mohammed Al Sitri, of being the party's 'front man' and acting as their 'lawyer'. Mr Saeedi told Dr Al Sitri during a session of parliament: "It seems they chose you to be there [sic] front man, because you are defending them well." [9]

The parliamentary election campaigns of Al Wefaq members put many of the current hot issues in the political scene to the surface. For example, Al Wefaq extensively used the Bandargate scandal in its campaigns and promised to question and punish those responsible for it. Moreover, Al Wefaq raised serious concerns over the election results and questioned many aspects of the election process. Indeed, accusations of fraud as well as the lack of transparency were raised shortly before the start of elections.

17 out of 18 candidates from Al Wefaq won the 2006 parliamentary elections. 62% of Bahraini voters voted for Al Wefaq and they hold 42.5% of the seats in the elected chamber of the parliament (out of a total of 40 seats) making them the strongest political party in Bahrain in terms of the number of supporters and representatives in the elected chamber of the parliament.

2010 elections

Following a wave of arrests prior to the election, Al Wefaq won at least 18 of the 40 seats to the lower house.

Members who won reached to the parliament after 2010 elections were:

Khalil Al-Marzooq

Abduljalil Khalil

Shaikh Ali AlAsheeri


  1. ^ a b c Guide to Bahrain's politics - 4 Sep 2008. Ambassador Ereli, US Embassy, Bahrain/Wikileaks/The Guardian
  2. ^ Thousands protest in Bahrain as MPs resign AFP, February 27, 2011
  3. ^ Habib Toumi, Bahrain Shiite body accused of bias, Gulf News, 14 November 2006
  4. ^ a b Gulf Daily News, Society shifted position to take advantage of political platform - 20 January 2006
  5. ^ Independents the biggest winners - Gulf Daily News, 1 Nov 2010
  6. ^ Deputy calls for labour housing regulations, Habib Toumi, Gulfnews, March 13, 2007
  7. ^ [1]
  8. ^ [2]
  9. ^ [3]

Further reading

External links